George Washington University User Reviews and Ratings
Best University for IA and Econ and DC can't be beat!
By Class of 2021, From FL
This school is not easy, the workload is HARD!! The campus is amazing; the proximity to everything DC has to offer all year is what sets this school apart. The students are driven, they work really hard and the education is as good as it gets. IA is the best in the world here - learning across the street from the State Department and IMF is unlike any university anywhere in the world. The Dorms are like apartments, the food is basically everywhere and amazing, the life in DC makes this an unforgettable college experience.
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A review after four years
By Class of 2019, From Washington, DC
I had a wonderful experience as an undergraduate at George Washington University. It is a phenomenal university designed for intelligent, driven students who value a hands-on education.
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Great School
By Parent, From USA
Parent of a current student.
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Highly Recommend
By Erika A, Class of 2018, From Washington, D.C.
I pursued a graduate degree through the College of Professional Studies. I found the experience to be enjoyable. The college staff was helpful during enrollment and my advisor was knowledgeable. The faculty was subpar in comparison to my graduate degree program that was not through a CPS type education. For example, only two of the twelve professors had doctorate degrees. Of the twelve, I can't recall any of them having any actual background in academia. It showed in the course layout and delivery, but overall their experience in the career field made up for it. The course work was not nearly as challenging as my first graduate degree that was not from a CPS, which is why I would not recommend a CPS degree if you're hoping to pursue a doctorate. However, it would be perfect for the student who is actively working and hoping to advance in their current position.
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Great School
By Class of 2000, From USA
Great school. Great location and campus.
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one of a kind
By az, From boston
you can't really find anything like gw anywhere else. every college has its ups and downs but there's so many amazing things that gw offers. for me, location was key, and GW has probably the best location of any college anywhere. while some schools are jacks of all trades, gw really does specialize in some majors. international affairs and polisci are obviously the largest majors and have a lot of resources, but president is currently pushing really hard for more stem majors and they have been putting TONS of resources towards it, but for right now, it lacks the reputation in stem. the dining plan is pretty bizarre compared to other universities but it does have its merits; you will be able to eat really great food at nearby restaurants, but it's definetly not cheap and there are some students who are food insecure. over all, i couldn't imagine myself going anywhere different and i haven't been too upset about anything (and i'm a real negative person)
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Experience of a lifetime...with a free minor in cynicism!
By J, class of 1993, From Washington, DC
I graduated from GWU in the 90s, and now have two children currently attending. Happily, very little of what I loved has changed! The professors available at GWU are as wonderful today as ever…pulled from an international pool of truly accomplished educators. Also, the chance to not only learn history, but to participate in it has not changed. There really isn't anything quite like looking out your freshman dorm window at the State Department, knowing if you work hard enough, you could be interning there within a year. Finally, when you come to GWU, you're going to make friends with people you would never have been exposed to otherwise…this is an international student body in a very international city. Notable mention also to amazing medical, law, poly sci and public health programs. And now, with a new shared sciences building, the school of engineering seems finally on the path to greatness. Some problems still exist though, and need to be mentioned. #1: For context, know that after the Federal Government, GWU has historically been the largest land owner in DC. This fact (imo) makes GWU somewhat complicit in the current DC atmosphere of extreme rents, gentrification and massive inequality. And OH BOY do the kids who attend know this, possibly more than ever. As when I attended, a jaded, almost nihilistic, student body is a real problem. Cynicism quickly overwhelms any sense of school spirit soon after matriculation: whether fair or not, it's galling to pay (or go into debt) so much to an institution that also rakes in rent money from lobbying firms, law firms, NGOs, etc... Further, GWU has always had one of the highest concentrations of students from the top 10% of wealth, which adds to daunting frustration felt by middle/lower income kids. And now the school has done away with dining halls (everyone has to eat out), so there is no even ground for all kids to come together-without bias-and relax together, making the cynicism even worse.
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The Best
By srt, From Washington
The students here are high achievers with aggressive intellects which can be intimidating. You get into the swing of it eventually. Perfect location if you like politics, policy, law.
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