What is the racial mix of students attending ECU, African American, Native American, Asian, Hispanic, etc.?
Asked by #66 Class of '67 from North Carolina
For the fall 2018, there were 28,718 total students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs. Of the 28,718 students, 19,130 identified as white, 4,559 as black or African American, 1,806 as hispanic, and 766 as Asian. The race and ethnicity of the remaining 2,457 students are unknown.
Reply by Alexis
is ecu a four year college or two year!? -Thx
Asked by TorTor from Folsom,Louisiana
East Carolina University is a four-year public research university.
Reply by Alexis
greek life
Asked by tonyt from panama city fl 32404
East Carolina University has more than 35 fraternities and sororities that are focused on friendship, scholarship and philanthropy
Reply by Alexis