% of instate students at Notre Dame
Asked by scott from IN Indiana
What is the address for the school
Asked by Sunshine from Georgia
how many dorms & housing
Asked by mal from undisclosed
Hi Mal, the University of Notre Dame has 30 residence halls made up of 16 men's and 14 women's.
Reply by Alexis
what kind of scholarships do you offer to national students and on what basis?
Asked by basit from pakistan,Punjab,Lahore
is there full sholarship system And if not what will be the total cost
Asked by mila from undisclosed
What are the job prospects for a classical architecture undergraduate?
Asked by Jane from Kenya
What majors are good to take (more specifically, how is ND's comp sci, bio/premed courses)? I'm interested in going towards MBA for grad school, but I'm not sure what for. I'm leaning towards a comp sci major with bio minor, but I heard ND's premed course is really good.
Asked by Eric from undisclosed
ND's CS Program is continuing to grow, but it is already a strong program. Bio is similar. The Pre-Med program at ND is also very robust, and past students have continually had great success in applying to med school (see their Pre-Health website for more particular details). Combining Pre-Health with Computer Science is difficult (but not impossible) due to the difficulty level of the courses required for both paths.
Reply by anonymous
whats the ratio girls to boys
Asked by Diego class of 2022 from undisclosed
Hi Diego, for the 2018-19 school year 48% of enrolled students were female while 52% were male.
Reply by Alexis
Slightly more male students than female. Something around 52% male and 48% female
Reply by Natalie 2021
What SAT score do you guys recommend to get into this college
Asked by ZachariahR., Class of 2023 from Roswell, New Mexico
Hi ZachariahR, the 2018-2019 class scored, on average, 1410-1540 on the SAT.
Reply by US-News
How many students are in one class?
Asked by Matthew k from Tampa Florida
Hi Matthew, about 61% of classes have fewer than 20 students.
Reply by US-News
It depends on your major. I was a math major and most classes are under 20 students. The smallest one I attended had only 5 students, including 2 PhD. But some classes like first year chemistry or calculus 1 or b-school classes can be above 100.
Reply by Patrick X '15
What kind of diversity is there among the students, faculty and course offerings?
Asked by DJ from Ohio
Here’s a look at the 2018-19 class: U.S. students of color: 26%, International/outside of the U.S.: 7%, First generation college student or low socioeconomic: 15%, Attended a public high school: 44%, Attended a Catholic high school: 38%, Attended a private/charter school: 18%. From the social sciences to business, there is a wide array of courses you may take at Notre Dame.
Reply by Alexis
Do most students graduate in 4 years?
Asked by Lu from Fort Wayne, IN
The University of Notre Dame has one of the highest four-year graduation rates, at 90%.
Reply by US-News