Is this campus completely made up of one race? Or are other races allowed to attend?
Asked by Lolo from College Station, TX
Hi Lolo, although FAMU is a historically black college, the university is open to all students. The student population also includes those who identify as white, Native American, Asian and Hispanic.
Reply by Alexis
Students of all races attend Famu.
Reply by Famu class of 6
what is the gpa requirements
Asked by jazmine from louisville,ky
Hi Jazmine, students must have at least a 2.85 GPA to be admitted to Florida A&M University.
Reply by Alexis
It's now a 3.0 GPA
Reply by SL
How many students are usually in a class?
Asked by Ashkyn Class of 2016 from Los Angles, California
Hi Ashkyn, more than 54% of classes at Florida A&M University have 20-49 students.
Reply by Alexis
As a parent i would like to tour the school. will there be a tour going on in the month of September or October?
Asked by Class of 2019 from Atlanta Georgia
Campus tour dates can vary so you may request to schedule one on the FAMU site.
Reply by Alexis