Is there any classes about investigation in Miami University?
Asked by Sarah W. Class 2023 from Wasilla, Ak
Hi Sarah, Miami University–Oxford offers a bachelors in forensic investigations which includes investigation courses.
Reply by Alexis
What is the major reason that the ranking for Miami University fell from 78 to 96 in one year? Thank you.
Asked by KM from Atlanta, GA
Each school's circumstances are different but general information about how we rank schools can be found on our methodology and FAQs page here:
Reply by Alexis
They may be putting a higher weighting on diversity and Miami is very white and preppy.
Reply by JB
US News ranks universities in 16 main areas. Each of these areas is weighted differently. And these weightings can change from year to year. The very highest ranked universities obviously rank well in all changing the weighting from year to year doesn't change them by much. However, as you start going down the list to the more affordable universities, they don't necessarily rank as high in all categories. So, if a certain category that they don't rank as high in (say, alumni giving for instance) is now weighted higher, this will obviously hurt their overall ranking. So, the change in the weightings can cause a school to jump up or down 10 or 20 spots pretty easily.
Reply by Kevin
what is the entrepreneurial ranking for this University
Asked by Jason from New Jersey
What SAT or ACT scores does Miami University look for when students apply?
Asked by Mary Jean from Brunswick, Ohio
For the 2018-19 entering class, 99% scored a 22 or higher on the ACT and a 1100 or above on the new SAT.
Reply by US-News