Averett University User Reviews and Ratings
Expensive yes, but hardly second rate
By Richard, Class of 2003, From San Antonio
I graduated from Averett and have had an extremely nice career up to this point and earn a very nice salary. So I have not found it to be a second rate university at all. I found the Averett faculty to be very engaged in the development of their students and always available when needed. It is a private school and not a large state run institution, however for students that like to have more one-on-one interactions with the faculty, Averett is a good choice. I later earned my Masters at a large (30k+) state run university (Division 1 - FBS school) and trust me, you will NOT receive much, if any, assistance at your alternative/s. While Averett may not be for everyone, exaggerations are not necessary for anyone who is seeking a more accurate depiction.
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